It restores my hearts dream to be swept away by a god fearing, masculine, and very witty male
What I know for sure is that I have been shown the true face of love in many different forms
I have witnessed how a man cherishs a woman, acts foreign to others, are my everyday norm
For example, I continue to listen to the many great stories my friends constantly share with me
Whether it is nursing them back to health, cheering them up, i know this is the way love should be
I have no problem with being the chief nurturer, caregiver, lover and most importantly friend
But I want to be sure the love i give to him will be reciprocated in the love that he sends
What I know for sure is that it is my innate quality is to solve problems, to give, and always share
The only thing I want to be sure of is that when he thinks of me that he really does care
Cares how my day went, and if i am upset or disturbed works to try to put a smile on my face
Someone who prays, spiritual, is a believer in miracles, favor, forgiveness and Gods' Grace
Life is not about trials and errors, it is about trying new things in order to learn and evolve
Its about identifying hurdles in your path that you proactively analyze and work to solve
Its about using your time wisely which should never be used to lament or focus on the past
It’s about concentrating your time, talents and fortune on those special things that will last
In the face of uncertainty, mirage of unknowns and a sea of new opportunities and things
I want to discover my passions and identify those unique people that make my heart sing
I have seen glimpses of what I want forever to look like and I truly believe that I am ready to recieve it
I don't have an idea of the who, but I totally know what I want to feel when I finally recieve my gift
Every experience that I have lived through, survived, and conquered has stretched my ability to grow
And growth can not occur unless you let go of past decisions and people, these are the things that i know
Through all of my disappointments and heartaches I know that God is preparing an even bigger prize
He is pruning my character so I never again settle for the wooden nickels, unrealistic stories and lies
And through all of life's experience, the biggest blessing is that he never made my heart or hope waiver
When I receive the love of my life I will finally not doubt every moment, but sit back and savor
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