Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Change

Sometimes the biggest thing between what you have and want is change
Change in attitude, Change in your usage of time, and Change in behavior
They say it takes 21 days to adopt a new habit, routine, or a better way
To eat better, exercise, live with faith and watch the words you say

When you pray or speak to God, often times we lean down to kneel
Giving yourself to him, allowing God to control your mind and spirit
A physical example of relinquishing your power and giving it to the one 
The one who specializes in change regardless of what you have done

The decisions you wish you could correct and redo the experience
The people you have hurt through carelessness, selfishness or by accident
The time lost why you sabotaged happiness thinking you didn’t deserve it
The self criticism used to punish, the excessive drinks consumed to forget 

But there is a fairy tale that can be written at the end of your nightmare
There is a God who specializes in the change business and transformations
If you rely more on him and his blessings instead of what you have done
You can become the person God created; the changed resurrected one

The person that is an extension of authentic spirit, aura, essence and love
The person that is allowed to feel, express, live, apologize and move on
It may start with one phone call you never thought you could make
It may end with that trip or class you never thought that you could take

The miracle of life is that it is powerfully cyclical, not linear in nature  
So as much as we force ourselves to stick to an inflexible rigid mindset
Don’t; finally let all limitations and preconceived notions about life go 
You will see better opportunities once you let your internal energies flow

The inspirational and giving spirit that touches your heart creating fullness
The laughter that comes from a place of true joy, humor and humility
The energy that comes from nature that once nurtured creates self power
The dedication to fully blossom growing from a bud to a beautiful flower

Dreaming of change is no different than playing house or restless sleep
Role playing or meaningless actions never yield different results
Seeking change is not enough, Change plus action leads to fulfillment
Paralysis of Analysis is the biggest road to telling yourself you can’t

By the time you think through all of the possible ways you could fail
You ignore the potential of success, your self confidence shattered  
The moment could pass; the opportunity may not be available tomorrow
And then instead of peace you are filled with regrets, guilt and sorrow

So today I admit my faults however I am taking small steps to at least try
Confessing what I want and then turning my dreams into actionable tasks
Doing something even small is better than procrastinating or wishing I had
When I look at my life, I want to say I lived it, feel content and totally glad 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Process of Elimination

I didn't know what I was missing until I had the courage finally stop and walk away
Ignoring naysayers that keep talking even though they really have nothing to say

People will call me picky, too rigid, accusing me of having my head up in the sky
If people don't understand me thats fine, instead of convincing I will just say good by

I am an example of how the process of elimination restored my healthy and mind
Because it worked for my diet, why wouldn't I think a special man is possible to find

By listening to my gut, trusting my instinct and analyzing the lasting effects of food
I was able to heal my body, restore my energy, find my muse and improve my mood

Going gluten free gave me a zest for life and a passion to live a purposed driven life
I am selective about everything I put in my body; things may taste good but cause strife

I have learned that temporary satisfaction can lead to lasting pain, damage, and discomfort
And until you do a process of elimination you won't be able to identify those things that hurt

Slick Men that only warm you with compliments so they can receive instant gratification
Damaging processed foods that feel good going in, but lack to provide nutritional satisfaction

In order for me to understand the cause of my sickness, and unpredictable tummy
I had to log my food, document my feelings, and track when I felt really good or totally yucky

Just like I had to take the time to figure out the foods that I can not eat and those I can
I have decided to deploy that same process of elimination as I search to identify JT's man

I will think about past dates and how each man treated me and how they made me feel
I will log the lasting effects of all relationships to see if these men can really seal the deal

If they can't provide my heart, body and mind with complete fufillment and wholeness
They will be eliminated just like gluten; my tummy taught my heart to only accept the best

Love and Compatibility

Looks may attract you, Compatibility makes you want to stay
Love makes you work hard and also makes you not stray

I have loved a few but recognize we were not a real match
Dated them longer because others thought they were a catch

When people walk out your life it is okay to mourn a loss
But not okay to sit back and count you and all of their flaws

For it is not about what didn't work when they were with you
Realizing you didn't want them despite the things they do

In life, hopefully you will be blessed with a life you want to live
A man who deserves your all and is open to receive and give

Along with love you need compatibility and the magic IT factor
The thing that makes your toes curl and your emotions soar

You need the stars to be aligned and God to bless your union
To balance the work and committment, love has to be fun

A good marriage is defined as a man that is happy to come home
A man that would choose his wife and family over time spent alone 

Many times falling in love is not about the person that we date
Its about another's ability to love us and accept us in our current state

The person that is transforming but not yet the person we may grow to be
The person who works to become the image they want the masses to see

If you can love someone's purest essence in spite of the glitz and glam
They will know you love them; not their job, salary, credentials or fame

Compatibility is sitting on a park bench sharing thoughts and a snack
Appreciating who they are, and never concentrating on what they lack

Love is about committing your heart to the creation of somthing bigger
Beleiving your love WILL LAST despite the negative facts and figures

If you mix compatibility, respect, God's grace, beauty, forgivenss and trust
You will have your best friend, a lasting love,a marriage that makes you lust

Monday, June 6, 2011

The art of change

Don’t change because others have progressed and you have not
Don’t change because someone else requests you to be different
Don’t change because you want more money or desire fame
Change because your soul cries out and refuses to be the same

You know when a change is coming when your mind races
When you have more questions than you have answers
When ordinary seems to imprison the freedom of choice
And when the inner spirit screams louder than your voice

When this happens find comfort in your journey for truth
Don’t rush to identify with a new person, job, or behavior
Rather than identifying a solution, identify the cause of unrest
Work at being your honest self; forget trying to be the best

Books have been written to explain various success theories
Articles continue to portray pivotal moments of change
Real change can’t be taught, it is a personal discovery
As you seek emotional freedom from mental slavery 

The inherited slavery of expectations and others wishes
The personal bondage of fear of the unknown and failure
The oppression of childish acts, old images and roles
The repression of growth, dreams, hopes and goals

As you seek a personal change you must address beliefs
Generational values deeply rooted in all your decisions
You must ask yourself how you ended up in this place
And why making the best decision seemed too much to face

Time is irrelevant to this process, there is no set timeline
Change only begins when you come to a few conclusions
When your frustration outweighs the fear of the unknown
And when living with purpose is skill you finally begin to hone 

The myth of texting

Texting is not the issue; it’s when it replaces communication
Without emotion or voice inflection, words lack sensation
It doesn’t give you a context of one thoughts or true feelings
And minimizes the connection between two human beings

Texting is easy when you don’t have time or fear rejection
But when it becomes routine, you sacrifice real affection
The easy road when dating is never the path you want to take
Purposeful dating requires work; an investment I will MAKE

I never want to wonder if you are alone or in a crowded place
Or that you forgot about me and just sent me something in haste
I never want to feel like I can’t get your undivided attention
Or feel like you don’t treat me with respect or consideration

When I told you what I needed I never mentioned money
Emotional stability is a must, and you must be funny
But my main request is that I wanted us to really talk
Not so I can keep tabs on you or so I can later stalk

I want to hear your voice and establish a comfort zone
Seeing you in person is most ideal, but also over the phone
I won’t settle for a piece of a relationship, I want the entire pie
And I never want to feel like our romantic bond is a complete lie

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Power of Expectancy

You may not see the vision, but keep your dream
Reality maybe rough, but is never as bad as it seeems

Sometimes the only thing you may have is hope
And expectancy is truly the best way for you to cope

Because if you allow yourself to be showered by gloom
Your dreams and thoughts will always end in doom

I have learned that life is a magnet to attract like things
A dream job, more money even the ideal human being

To attract these things you must project authentic truth
And show the same courage, faith and love as Ruth

A women affected by loss but remained a loving friend
And received all of God's precious blessings in the end

A loving husband, rich harvest, wealth and a healthy son
Believing what God has planned in life is already done

Living with expectancy is rooted in the energy of success
Instead of wasting time on settling for a life that requires less

Wake up expecting that today will be better than yesterday
And when you think less, find an optimistic thing to say

We own our life, our choices, its outcome and our attitude
Expectancy achieves dreams and a life with limitless altitude