Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Lesson of Life

Life is about summarizing all of the good feelings and the highlights
Thinking about those who have built up your spirit and gave you joy
Reminiscing about great birthdays, holidays and life’s many first
Examining life in totality and focusing only on your best never the worst

No one remembers all of the “big emergencies” that occurred and work
Or the person that you set your eyes on who didn’t care the same for you
All the frustration spent on unrequited love, fades away with true love
And earthly drama is forgotten when you transcend to the heavens above

So instead of fighting to keep a person, job, home, or thing in your life
Become comfortable with less; thrive by depending on only necessities
Downsize material things in order to embrace authenticity and peace
In life we never can keep anything, all possessions are really on lease