Monday, June 6, 2011

The art of change

Don’t change because others have progressed and you have not
Don’t change because someone else requests you to be different
Don’t change because you want more money or desire fame
Change because your soul cries out and refuses to be the same

You know when a change is coming when your mind races
When you have more questions than you have answers
When ordinary seems to imprison the freedom of choice
And when the inner spirit screams louder than your voice

When this happens find comfort in your journey for truth
Don’t rush to identify with a new person, job, or behavior
Rather than identifying a solution, identify the cause of unrest
Work at being your honest self; forget trying to be the best

Books have been written to explain various success theories
Articles continue to portray pivotal moments of change
Real change can’t be taught, it is a personal discovery
As you seek emotional freedom from mental slavery 

The inherited slavery of expectations and others wishes
The personal bondage of fear of the unknown and failure
The oppression of childish acts, old images and roles
The repression of growth, dreams, hopes and goals

As you seek a personal change you must address beliefs
Generational values deeply rooted in all your decisions
You must ask yourself how you ended up in this place
And why making the best decision seemed too much to face

Time is irrelevant to this process, there is no set timeline
Change only begins when you come to a few conclusions
When your frustration outweighs the fear of the unknown
And when living with purpose is skill you finally begin to hone 

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