Looks may attract you, Compatibility makes you want to stay
Love makes you work hard and also makes you not stray
I have loved a few but recognize we were not a real match
Dated them longer because others thought they were a catch
When people walk out your life it is okay to mourn a loss
But not okay to sit back and count you and all of their flaws
For it is not about what didn't work when they were with you
Realizing you didn't want them despite the things they do
In life, hopefully you will be blessed with a life you want to live
A man who deserves your all and is open to receive and give
Along with love you need compatibility and the magic IT factor
The thing that makes your toes curl and your emotions soar
You need the stars to be aligned and God to bless your union
To balance the work and committment, love has to be fun
A good marriage is defined as a man that is happy to come home
A man that would choose his wife and family over time spent alone
Many times falling in love is not about the person that we date
Its about another's ability to love us and accept us in our current state
The person that is transforming but not yet the person we may grow to be
The person who works to become the image they want the masses to see
If you can love someone's purest essence in spite of the glitz and glam
They will know you love them; not their job, salary, credentials or fame
Compatibility is sitting on a park bench sharing thoughts and a snack
Appreciating who they are, and never concentrating on what they lack
Love is about committing your heart to the creation of somthing bigger
Beleiving your love WILL LAST despite the negative facts and figures
If you mix compatibility, respect, God's grace, beauty, forgivenss and trust
You will have your best friend, a lasting love,a marriage that makes you lust
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